The province is divided into four regions and boasts a total of six national parks, including two Transfrontier parks crossing into world-famous safari destinations such as Namibia and Botswana as well as six provincial nature reserves, two of the largest rivers in South Africa and three legendary deserts. Each region will capture the imaginations of those who dare to explore it and its ancient mysteries. Take rugged mountains, endless flatlands and undulating dunes. Add to this diverse scenery, stunning plantlife and plentiful game and you have a recipe that will please all 4×4 eco-adventurers. The landscape is uniquely suited for rugged 4×4 adventure trips with the AisAis/Richtersveld Transfortier Park being a must-see destination. Footpaths and hiking trails allow visitors to experience the natural surrounds up close and these abound throughout the province. Guided game walks with armed rangers are also popular in the various private and national parks and reserves.