Windhoek Griquas Friendly vs Griffons

Windhoek Griquas Friendly vs Griffons

101 101 people viewed this event.

*Currie Cup Fans Don’t Delay!! Purchase your tickets now @ticketpro!! 
*Windhoek Griquas Friendly vs Griffons
*26 October 2023
*13:00pm – 15:00pm
*R50 per Adult
*Scholars and Students free
*Windhoek Draught Park
*Spectators welcome, though no bars, tuck-shops, etc. open

#WindhoekMoments #WindhoekDraughtGriquas

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Date And Time

2023-10-26 @ 01:00 PM to
2023-10-26 @ 03:00 PM

Event Category

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