If you’re in the mood for a road trip with old-world charm, you need to explore the Karoo Highlands Route.
This route covers a very unique part of the Northern Cape; it’s the center of sheep farming in South Africa and while it may seem barren and flat, the Karoo
also offers some of the best stargazing on the planet.
The word Karoo comes from the Khoi-San word “karusa”, which means “land with little water”. But don’t let the word fool you, this place is anything but
The Karoo is home to ancient fossils which include important archaeological, historical, and cultural treasures. It also has the largest collection of
succulents in the world, over 9 000.
If you travel through the upper Karoo, you’ll see various attractions and get to experience the warmth and hospitality of your fellow South Africans.
The Karoo Highlands Route covers small Karoo towns such as Matjiesfontein, Sutherland, Fraserburg, Williston, Carnarvon, Loxton, Victoria West, and
Beaufort West and is commonly referred to as the Great Karoo. It’s the home of peace and tranquility where you can just relax and take in the
wide-open spaces.