There are an estimated 5400 plant species in the Northern Cape that occur in six large biomes,namely the Nama Karoo Biome, Succulent Karoo Biome, Savanna Biome, Grassland Biome, Fynbos Biome & Desert Biome. More than 30% of the plants found in the Northern Cape are endemic and most of these occur in the Succulent Karoo along the west coast of South Africa. Many of these plants are rare or threatened, with a very limited distribution. The Richtersveld, at first impression, appears to be a lonely, harsh and arid lunar landscape of various shades, with little plant life. On closer inspection however, and especially during the winter, it is full of beautiful miniature gardens of colour as the flowers display their splendour. Growing in between pebbles or in rock crevices, the highly specialised plants survive and evolve in their own niches. . .